Veg Scoop

Turning over to a vegetarian life.

Proper Being

Or still, the existencialismo appears as a reply to the stigmata lived for the effective thought, not having with this the same swaggerer of the same, but it takes in consideration the man in its naked and raw reality, as finite to be launched in the world continuously dilacerado by crucial situations. Sartre obtains to […]

The Information

12 Hit the streets, personally listens to customers. You not enclosures you in juntitis, the answer is in the market. 13. Remove one or several products/crisis services. Designed with all that make up your value chain, 360 degrees including customers, a product of crisis. Your insurance providers have excess inventories and slack. All put, everybody […]

Improve Business Performance

The emotional reality of a company: his style of leadership, entrepreneurial culture and emerging problems are discovered by people approaching, although fear of change is sometimes difficult to detect calls butterflies and to improve business and professional performance. When I get to a company, what I’m most interested in are the butterflies; believe me, butterflies […]

The Streets

Proportionate sudden movements for buzu, that without knowing it loads a little of culture, learning, knowledge, fatigue, joys, sadnesses and other aspects go that it comes of buzus materialize, showing the life in the streets of Ar, show the life in the streets of Ar. They do not think that the buzuzeiro life is easy, […]

The White

You can also shape using any plug-in as a silicone mould or apply new textures with necessary tooling. 5. Dry dry ones minutes to remove the workpiece from the silicone form with ease. 6 Insert the EYEBOLT for pendants there are a few (Eyebolts) hooks that can be entered well into the piece when still […]

Padre Pablo

In this manner, the marianas devotions are cristocntricas and logically trinitrias. He is what in he says the Saint to them Padre Pablo VI: ' ' He is of the maximum convenience, before more nothing, that the mercy exercises stops with the Virgin Maria states in clear way, the trinitria and cristolgica characteristic that them […]