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5. Paid Content Conference Of The Academy Of The German Book Trade

Posted on | July 5, 2014 | Comments Off on 5. Paid Content Conference Of The Academy Of The German Book Trade

If the customer likes to pay – more cash with digital content YouTube introduces paid channels. Providers like DocCheck show how platforms between content providers and users across digital paid content. Increasingly, manages auch publishers to establish paid-content offerings in their portfolio. But to keep the positive effects on dynamic models after the introduction of Paywalls, freemium – and flat rate metered, a continuous optimization of offers with customer-focused approach is needed. When is the customer willing to pay for digital Publisher content? How can customer data gain and promote product development Conversionoptimierung and sustainable customer loyalty? How look effective marketing strategies for paid content from content marketing to social media? It is to these and other questions in the 5th Conference of paid content when the customer pays to… More willingness to pay for digital content”, which hosts the Academy of the German book trade on 17th September 2013 at the Literaturhaus Munich.

Industry experts show you how professional and Special-interest publishers and media companies as close to customers as possible can make their digital and mobile, paid content offerings and the corresponding marketing and distribution channels. Topics of the meeting include: customers pay, if the benefit is paid content models for specialised media metered vs. freemium vs. range paid content as part of the F.A.Z how mobile product strategy and advanced data analytics have helped transform the financial times Conversionoptimierung of the paywall to purchase: What payment systems should make success with cross-Publisher technical information offers mobile, online, print: customer loyalty through complete packages for the event is aimed at experts and executives from (technical) publishers and media companies, as well as staff from the Areas of new media, business and product development, design, marketing and sales, who comprehensively want to learn about the latest developments in the area of paid content. Speakers include Tom Betts (Financial Times UK), Gilles Domartini (Cleeng NL), Christian Lindemann (Wolters Kluwer), Thomas Schultz-Homberg (F.A.Z), Dr. Kai Stalmann (Axel Springer), Nadine Steinmetz (Springer medicine), Dr. Carsten Thies (Haufe Lexware), Daniel four beech (DocCheck). The day will be moderated by Dr. Marco Olavarria (Kirchner and Robrecht management consultants). Learn more about the paid content Conference and registration under…


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