Janeiro Production
Posted on | June 5, 2016 | Comments Off on Janeiro Production
Although the cycle of the sugar cane-of-sugar to have been lucrative for some economic agents, the legacy of the exportation of this product was negative, therefore, the escravagista system kept the underdeveloped human resources; the handling of agriculture did not evolve; the culture form remained primitive and archaic; the distribution of generated wealth was extremely intent and the decurrent profits of this activity had been applied in imported goods of consumption, instead of invested in the proper ones farms, as infrastructure and better techniques of plantation (BAER, 1996). With the gold discovery in the state of Minas Gerais in 1690, migrantes of the country they had all been for the region, modifying the center of economic activity of the colony for the place. Beginning to the first private banking groups and a development in the artisan sector was given. Different of the sugar cane-of-sugar production, the mining resulted in a lesser concentration of income. Great part was of the type of alluvium, being able to be used in small scale. The mining unchained other activities for the suppliment in the region, such as: the agricultural production in the state of So Paulo; also the creation of load animals, as the mule, coming of some regions in the South. These animals were used for the transport of the gold until the port in Rio De Janeiro.
Being that, they had been later used for the transport of the coffee. In middle of century XVIII, the Portuguese government transfers its administrative center of Salvador to the city of the River of January. In this place it had the concentration of financial institutions, important commercial houses, amongst other services. Portugal finally recognizing the importance of the conquered territory, initiates a bigger administrative control on the Brazil colony. It is started collection of fifth of the extracted gold. Portugal then forbids the particular navigations, establishes the monopoly of manufactured products supplied for the metropolis, hindering its production in the colony.