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Community Manager

Posted on | June 10, 2016 | Comments Off on Community Manager

According to many of its users, Twitter is addictive and, although we do not know to define him, people are divided between those that use it and love it, and who have not had opportunity to fall for him still. For what Twitter in the enterprise? For permanently connected with a mass of customers, potential customers and other members of the community. To answer questions of the company and its products or services (support). To manage promotions. To communicate news. To derive traffic towards the website or online store that you want to promote. To do Branding and protect the brand.

To know what are saying customers about our product or service. In short, for everything or almost everything that a Marketing strategy intends to achieve, Twitter is a tool to take into account. Well used, Twitter becomes a thermometer in real time of the Corporation and its community. Tools for Twitter: (some, since we could cite hundreds.) Power Twitter: Is a tool for Firefox that allows you to improve the visibility of the aspects that interest you to an SEO, a Community Manager or a user (adds a search box, shows the page that derive the short links, etc.) Trendistic: Is a tool that allows you to view the focuses of interest depending on the time. It is very useful, is worth take advantage of it to see how you are seeking and tweeting our potential customers or members of our community. Twihrl: A tool like so many for Twitter in an automated manner which allows you to have multiple accounts open at once and streamline the use of Twitter in general, also have an audible alert when they mentioned you allowing to quickly answer the concerns of the fans. Twellow: They are the yellow pages of Twitter, allows to find people interested in what you are offering according to categories of interests and geographical location. TweetDeck: Lets follow hashtag (who come to be Twitter keywords for a particular topic or conversation) and perform simultaneous searches.

It is a more topic-centric application since you can program it when There is a question of interest to you, when it is talking about what interests you or when someone is seeking what you offer. It also lets you follow lists, pre-defined searches, etc. All accounts with simultaneous. Meanwhile, Twitter – like company – comes stomping in the growth curve that far yet, has its tipping point. Several hundred employees, 300 thousand records per day and a number of users to exceed 100 million; It seems to be a great promise for the company and for those who see among their possibilities, a part of what you are looking for long time. You can follow me on twitter or do I free to comment on this or other items, my personal account is @germanpv and the account @elblogdegerman original author and source of the article blog


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