Institute Robert Koch
Posted on | November 1, 2013 | Comments Off on Institute Robert Koch
They come from the ecological farm of ' Land' of Saxony Loss. One rises the alert one on cucumbers, crude lettuces and tomatos. The bacterium has already caused 31 died in Germany and another one in Sweden. The sanitary authorities of the federal state North-Rhine Westphalia (the west of country) informed this Friday into which the direct presence of the lethal bacterium has been confirmed ' E.coli ' in seeds germinated coming from the ecological farm of ' Land' of Saxony Loss. The seeds germinated in the form of buds that gave positive to the presence of stock 0104 of ' E.coli' they were found in the region of Bonn, the west of the country, in the sweepings of a family, two of whose members they became ill after ingesting those vegetables.
The found vegetal buds in the region of Bonn come from a farm of biological culture of the locality of Bienenbttel, in the district of Uelzen and the state of the Saxony Loss, in which several of their employees contracted the disease several weeks ago and that provided its products to several restaurants between whose clients a high number of patients was registered. German sanitary authorities raised to this Friday the alert one on cucumbers, crude lettuces and tomatos, but they maintained the recommendation of not consuming germinated seeds to consider itself that they are the origin of the serious infection. In the last died hours the number of in Germany ascended to 32 after passing away this Friday three people more in the states of Saxony Loss, Schleswig Holstein and Hamburg, besides another registered mortal case a long time ago in Sweden. The suspicions on tomatos, cucumbers and lettuces disappeared when informing the experts into the Institute Robert Koch of which, most probably, the center of the infection is the germinated seeds of an ecological farm of Saxony Loss. Until now, nevertheless, no of the analyses on these vegetables had given positive.
Near 3,000 affected Since the Institute Robert Koch detected the first case, the 1 of May, has been a total of 2,800 entered in Germany by the infection, of which 722 developed the dangerous haemolytic urmico syndrome (SUH). " With great probability, the seeds were the cause of infeccin" , it affirmed Reinhard Burger, director of the Institute Robert Koch, who centralizes the investigations of infectious pathologies, when rising the recommendation of not eating vegetables. " The citizens can return to eat without fear cucumbers, tomatos and lettuces immediately, whenever they keep the due measures from higiene" , he stressed the minister of Agriculture, Ilse Aigner, in appearance before means in the Parliament, immediately after the press conference of the experts. From the 25 of May, when the Institute Robert Koch recommended not to eat these crude vegetables, such vegetables had practically been prohibited in many supermarkets of the north of the country. A day after sending the general alert, the authorities of Hamburg – epicenter of the infections concentrated the suspicions in Spanish cucumbers, after detecting a game potentially infected with dangerous and a stranger stock of the bacterium. The alarm on Spanish products rose days later, but it persisted recommendation of not consuming cucumbers, crude lettuces nor tomatos was what outside its Spanish and German origin, which derived in multimillionaire damages in the agricultural sector, in forward edge, but also of the rest of Europe. Source of the news: Confirmed the presence of the lethal bacterium ' E.coli' in germinated seeds German