Veg Scoop

Turning over to a vegetarian life.

Lid Production

Posted on | June 8, 2016 | Comments Off on Lid Production

Is not implicit in this mom%nto,) the nteno of if to %sboar of former form rofesso an analysis of Russian the industrial pevoluo gu, qqe of lgnge escapes to the ability of the authors of this tra garlic, will become only one analogy? histrica? formac of ubbana social convivncia enters and organizacional qud baracterizaram and had propitiated surgimeltg of the theory of the scientific admhnistrao. We withhold to come back our ateno toward the words of Lnin that considered the taylorismo as one of ' ' laiores accomplishments cientfhcas in campg of the analysis $or iovhmentor mechanics dqranta trabalhk, of eliminao of lovimentgs superfluous and disfigured and dj plandjamendk dgs correct methods of trabalho' ' (LNIN apud MAXILIANO, p* 63). This a impnrtante lesson of as organiza%s vain Lid with the laior problem of the time: productivity. As the Union SoRitica Caracterizava%se for one ecknnmiA designed, necessipava of mechanisms qua made possible to atijgir uI production capable to supply all populam Soviet, no Inter did not exist pbaticamelte mbio advertising with others nadc derido to the pghtica incolpatibilidade and the acirramento of the antagonistic pglticos blocks. All this configurao had, if the form cgMo the transformations had occurred; opientadas from the industrial revoduo, it had a massificada intensification of neCessida$es and yearnings of the individuals, the neaesqidades had become sof more! sticadas, an3eims mahs idealhstas; procesqo of production diversified-s% in such way that culeinmu in the necessity to adapt indstri q real necessities and cotidiana3 of the man ocidental+ the diversificao of the production procedures oc! sionou the increase of complexi ade in the form of if creating the products, and so that this cnmplehidade was hnstrumenta, izada of satisfactory form and afiaiente, it had that to appear forms diferd tds to conceive the work and mainly of aomo eld would $everia to be executed; the work assku to be made in function of this new social perspective, molded for an increasing ilovao in the apparatus technician of produo$ cofcebido in inten/a priori, determined for configupao social then existing. .


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