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Nautical Headquarters

Posted on | September 4, 2013 | Comments Off on Nautical Headquarters

The inaugural goal was of Heitor Pine, to the 14 of 1 time, for the owners of the house. The wooden arquibancada one trembled, creaked and estalava during the games. Until, in 19.09.1943, to the 18 of 1 time of Is Cristvo x Flamengo, when rubronegro was successful for 1×0, part of the overcrowded arquibancada one (was game for Is Janurio, according to editorial of Periodical of the Sports) it fell down and 224 torcedores had been hospitalized. In day 22, the departure continued in the stadium of the Vasco, They are Cristvo tied up to the departure and the prescription of the game was destined to the wounded in the accident. Thanks to this, the club decided to substitute the wooden arquibancada one for another one of concrete, that was inaugurated in 29.06.1946, in a victory of 3×1 on the neighbor of quarter, the Vasco (some sources inform to placar adverse of 3×5 for the teams of the Hill).

He is that it is its stadium until today, with capacity for 3 a thousand torcedores there the record was of impressive 19,040 torcedores, in 14.07.1926, a defeat of 2×3 for the same Vasco. Its official name is Stadium of Is Cristvo, but also it is known as ' ' Figueirinha' ' (interesting, because the great majority of stadiums is known by an augmentative). In 13.02.1943, the CR Is Cristvo and They are Cristvo AC if they fundiram in Are Cristvo de Futebol and Regatas. In 1953, the government dispossessed the land of Fifth of the Cashew, for workmanships of magnifying of the port, forcing the club to change itself for the Av. Brig. Trompowsky (Seting Figueira Trompowsky de Almeida, Minister of the Aeronautics of Dutra), n 580, close Da Ponte it Fundo, where it constructed its Nautical Headquarters in 1954 and 1955. The club assiduamente disputed the regattas up to 1962 and esparsamente up to 2001.


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