Veg Scoop

Turning over to a vegetarian life.


Posted on | July 26, 2013 | Comments Off on Professional

Human systems are very complex. We cannot understand them at all. There are enough experiences that we have cognitive limitations. Our conscious mind can only address a small number of variables each time. The complexity of detail is resolved in the unconscious. It is what we call the inner of the coaching game.

When the conscious shifts the burden of a task to the unconscious, it takes over and becomes automatic, natural. This frees the conscious mind to concentrate on the dynamic complexity. The unconscious is programmed with the experience: cultures scheduled the unconscious. Beliefs do too. Language, communication, has very powerful and, at the same time, subtle effects. But, how do we teach the unconscious to structuring the information? Normally we desist from this. However, this changes when we started to dominate the systemic perspective. Re-educate the unconscious subtly to structure data in circles instead of straight lines.

It occurs as when we learn a foreign language. The unconscious mind deals with many more details than our conscious mind. It is not limited by the amount of processes of feedback that can be examined. So you can integrate the dynamic complexity and detail. Experimentation and training are essential for indoor play between the conscious and the unconscious. Conceptual learning is not sufficient. In the same way that is not enough for the learning of a language or a computer management. The approach to learning, coaching with systemic perspective, deals with three levels:-theoretical contents for your understanding: disciplines, tools, ideas Vice-Chancellors, patterns, and principles. Experimentation: dialogues, practices, nanoexperiencias and prototypes. Scents: the State of being of those who arrive at a large domain of each discipline. The theoretical content of the disciplines are important for which wants to learn and even more to the coach, for the Professional. For anyone, they are the basis for understanding the disciplines and their own experimentation. For the coach, they constitute a support to continuously refine the practice of the disciplines and to explain it to others. The domain of any discipline requires an effort to understand the contents and to experience it. It is a big mistake to think that when the guiding ideas and certain principles are already understood the discipline has learned. A widespread trap is confused intellectual understanding with learning. Learning always involves new understanding and new behavior. Involves thinking and doing, both elements are indispensable. Almost always, how difficult is not knowledge but do, conduct. In the experimentation practitioners of a discipline concentrated time and energies. It requires a conscious and constant effort. Gradually the experimentation of a discipline becomes automatic. Check it after a dialogue: we recognize our assumptions. After a nanoexperiencia or in a coaching session: confirm the objectives or spontaneously identify feedback processes. At the level of essences no focus our conscious attention to learn them. In the same way that we do not make any effort to love or experience peace or joy. The essence of the disciplines is a State of being, a way of being. They come to genuinely experience the people and teams that possess a high level of mastery of the discipline. A coach with high systemic thought domain identifies and develops systemic tools in a natural way. At this level the disciplines begin to converge. A common sensibility unites them. The sensitivity of apprentice in an interdependent world. Joan Palomeras original author and source of the article.


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