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Spanish Episcopal Conference

Posted on | November 13, 2013 | Comments Off on Spanish Episcopal Conference

Joan Piris admits that it likes to run, but requests prudence in the highway. " Now I am convinced that we must respect seales" , it says. The Episcopal Conference had requested responsibility to the steering wheel. The bishop of Lleida, Joan Piris, admitted in his dominical letter that they have fined to him to lead too much fast, and requested prudence in the highway, agreeing with the demand of this same Sunday of the Spanish Episcopal Conference to have responsibility to the steering wheel. Under the title of Speaking of values, the leridano bishop asks to do " one more a more concrete and sharpened glance towards own comportamientos".

" I confess that I like to run in the highway and, for that reason, I also am one of the thousands of conductors to whom they have put a fine by excess of velocidad" , he reveals the bishop. The prelate, nevertheless, assures: " now I am convinced that we must respect the signals and have more in account which this can suppose of good for the other usuarios". " Then – the bishop asks itself why I accelerate more than it must? Somebody will say that it is one more a sample of the human incoherence; but he is only that? " Monsignor Piris defends that " the security is a value, the own security and the one of others, we considered a good objective although not always it agrees with what we would like hacer". Against the indifference " The security is important in itself and, in rrente to the traffic and its more complex circumstances every day, will make lack reflect more and not to fall more, even if it is only in the indifference before the worrisome data that every weekend give means us when they explain the consequences of behaviors temerarios" , the bishop explains. The prelate considers that the sense of the responsibility is a value that must be promoted and in that is to educate " with more profundidad". " Because also in the highway, all the moral does not have more foundation than the value of the person humana" , it concludes the bishop. Source of the news: The bishop of Lleida confesses that they have fined to him by excess of speed


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